Video Gallery


Our Outboard is Finally Working! - Sailing ShaggySeas Ep. 24

We start the week waiting out a storm at anchor in Boot Key Harbor, Marathon Florida. While we were at anchor we had three solid days and nights of winds of 25-35 knots, which made even this protected anchorage pretty choppy. Once the wind died down a bit, John paddled to shore to fix the dinghy out...

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Free Stock Aerial Boat Marina

The following video was filmed while visiting San Clemente, California. Want free stock video? Email and get your free video!...

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Mega Yacht A going through Tower Bridge

Mega Yacht A goes through Tower Bridge - amazing sight!...

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Beneteau Oceanis 42cc liveaboard Owner Yacht For Sale Sailboat Performance Review Walk-through

Beneteau Oceanis Clipper 42 cc Sailing YachtCruising video review and walk-trough. Owner Sailboat 2005 model - Located in AucklandRelaxing Comfortable Luxury Lifestyle on the Water - year-round. Features:Easy handling. low heel, good stability, easy to control, easy to sail...

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200 HP dinghy, WOW!

200 HP dinghy towed behind a large Motor Yacht in Fort Pierce Ship Channel. Join us for a Cruising 101 FUNdamentals seminar in FL to learn navigation. Click here

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10 Coolest Sci-Fi Drones (Must Watch)

10 Coolest Drones From The Future!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Facebook Page:- MESSEGE ME

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Luxury Yacht Video Walkthrough - Motoryacht Ascente in Seattle, WA | Alexander Marine USA

Luxury yacht video walkthrough tour of motor yacht Ascente in Seattle, Washington. Listed by Alexander Marine USA.Video tour and drone footage produced by Silkymitts Productions. Like, share and subscribe to our page!...

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Monaco | Monte Carlo | Drone | Life, luxury and the cost. Weliketovacation

Memorable trip to the Country of Monaco. Got to spend 4 full days there (more than enough). We experienced the eloquence of the Country which turned out to be both stunning and shocking. We stayed at the Hermitage Monte-Carlo which was very nice. Went to France and took drone shots of Monaco (inc...

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POV Toys onboard 43m Luxury Yacht Loon // Bahamas

60 seconds of life onboard a super yacht in the Bahamas! Super fun POV to make with the crew! Let me know in the comments below If you'd like to see more like this! Like, Subscribe and hit that bell 🙌🏼Follow Instagram: @luxuryyachtfilms for more vids and contact @motoryachtloon to see how to g...

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Best RC Drone Under 2500rs | VISUO XS809W 2.4G 4Ch RC Drone Unboxing & Testing | Shamshad Maker

Hello Guys, Today I have bought Best RC Drone Under 2500 rupees video for you guys. Now your turn to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe for more effort to bring your all interesting RC gadget...You can buy this Drone - out more - Car for kids, htt...

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