Yachting with DJI MAVIC MINI (one battery cinematic drone video)

  Yachting with DJI MAVIC MINI (one battery cinematic drone video)
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Short video from sunset yachting on water dam Kráľová (Slovakia) caught with DJI Mavic Mini drine. It just took only one battery to make this shots.

Drone: DJI Mavic Mini
Music: Adam Lonely & B E A U - Rio [Bass Rebels Release] No Copyright Music 2020

IG: https://www.instagram.com/sajbi_cestuje/?hl=sk
BLOG: https://www.sajbicestuje.sk/

Krátke video z jachtingu pri západe slnka na vodnej nádrži Kráľová zachytené pomocou dronu DJI Mavic Mini. Zábery som zachytil použitím iba jednej batérie.

Dron: DJI Mavic Mini
Hudba: Adam Lonely & B E A U - Rio [Bass Rebels Release] No Copyright Music 2020

IG: https://www.instagram.com/sajbi_cestuje/?hl=sk
BLOG: https://www.sajbicestuje.sk/