When the cats away the mice will play! (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 131

  When the cats away the mice will play! (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 131
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After a spontaneous trip to the blue town, Riles and I crank the engine for Ceuta in no wind.. which means no sailing.. which means way too much free time out there. Join us for a dolphin party, a missed fish and good vibes all round. Have a fabulous Monday from us!

Song Credits:
00:00 Interference - Mute Choir - https://www.facebook.com/mutechoir
00:29 Zeitspiel - Windspiel - https://www.windspiel.band
00:46 Plein ciel - Luciole Langervine - https://soundcloud.com/luciole-langevine
03:22 Amarante - Light In The Darkness (Instrumental) - https://soundcloud.com/amarantemusic
05:52 It’ll Be Alright - Taji - https://www.tajimusic.com
08:25 Interference - Mute Choir - https://www.facebook.com/mutechoir
12:02 Koresma - Sun Begins to Pour (feat. Alaska Reid) - https://www.koresmamusic.com
13:08 Django Django - Life's a Beach - https://www.djangodjango.co.uk

Videos made by Elayna, starring Riley!!

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