Vlog 31: Cinco De Mayo… on a Boat!!! [Jax RVPs + Drone Footage + Private Beach]

  Vlog 31: Cinco De Mayo... on a Boat!!! [Jax RVPs + Drone Footage + Private Beach]
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Join us as we enjoy Cinco De Mayo with some of our dear friends/business partners!!! Jason and Jenn Cueva invited us all out for some fun on the water and boy did we have an amazing time (thanks again guys!)!! I forgot my vlog camera so I filmed everything on my iPhone 7 Plus! Huge thanks to Kelby for bringing the drone and capturing some incredible footage as we explored Little Talbot Island/Fort George. Definitely one of my most favorite vlogs and days yet!!! Enjoy!!

See Jason's vlog of our outing here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQuOt8FhfT0

Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. I purchased all products featured with my own money!
Some links may be affiliate links which will pay me a small commission should you purchase what is listed.
Visit me on social media!!!:

FACEBOOK: Nevelyn Pearl Design House https://www.facebook.com/Nevelyn-Pear...
TWITTER @LuvNevelynPearl https://twitter.com/Mrsdianaperalta
SNAPCHAT: Dperalta918
IG: LoveNevelynPearl https://www.instagram.com/lovenevelyn...
IG2: https://www.instagram.com/veganoptionsavailable/
Blog: LoveNevelynPearl.com

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Nikon Coolpix P610 (Main Camera) Find it Here! http://amzn.to/2pArZs9
Sony DSC-HX80 (Vlog Camera) Find it here! http://amzn.to/2or5UKB
My iPhone 7+

LOCATION: Jacksonville, Florida
ETHNICITY: African American
AGE: 35
VEGAN SINCE: 2/2/2016
Curious about Veganism? These 3 videos helped me out a ton!:

The Secret Reason We Eat Meat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao2GL3NAWQU

The Best Speech Ever: https://youtu.be/es6U00LMmC4

Cowspiracy: http://www.cowspiracy.com
Music: (In order)
Vibe With Me
Clouds 2
Joakim Karud http://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud