Ukrainian drone sinks Russian transport boat

  Ukrainian drone sinks Russian transport boat
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Ukrainian drone sinks Russian transport boat, near the Danipro River, in the presented video frames. Drone footage shows a small Russian transport boat crossing the Compa River off the Deniper River near Curson. This might be one of the first times that a Ukrainian quadcopter drone tries a grenade-dropping operation on a boat. As the boat gets stationed in the riverbanks, the drone spots Russian troops in two buildings close by. The Ukrainian drum gets positioned on top of the Russian boat and begins to drop grenades. Multiple grenades are dropped on the boat with very high accuracy, and in the end of the video, we can see that the drone managed to totally destroy the Russian boat. The drone also drops a powerful grenade on top of the building where the Russian troops were previously stationed. This video was published by the Ukrainian forces on their official Telegram channel.