Punta Cana 2018 – Snorkeling, Party Boat, Drone, and FPV

  Punta Cana 2018 - Snorkeling, Party Boat, Drone, and FPV
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FPV footage starts at 1:33 if you want to skip: https://youtu.be/yAebbDPN_Wg?t=1m33s

I took my Mavic and race quads to Punta Cana and was able to fly some packs from a catamaran. It was overcast during hurricane season with Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Isaac. I cut together footage from a hand held GoPRo Hero 4 Black, DJI Mavic Pro, and a GoPro Session 5 on a 5" Martian race quad.

The song is Mistakes by Breathe Carolina