Ombrine 801 Drone video powering through the solent. Versatile sports boat with Powerful Volvo Penta

  Ombrine 801 Drone video powering through the solent. Versatile sports boat with Powerful Volvo Penta
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Watch this drone video of her powering through the solent. The Beneteau Ombrine is the manufacturers take on mixing the feel of a yacht with the performance of a sports cruiser. The styling and layout make it a perfect accompaniment to a yacht or indeed if you were to change from sailing this boat would have a familiar feel.

Great performance and accommodation also makes this one of the most versatile boats in its class.

She is fitted with the following features
Bow Thruster
Trim Tabs
Electric windlass, remote operation from cockpit, or foot switches on bow.
Water Heater
Rear swimming platform with ladder
Teak decking 2 x double berths (inc dining area)
1 x WC / Shower
Kitchen area with FRIDGE, GAS HOB, SINK
Multiple storage lockers
FULL WEATHER COVERS (Good condition) inc separate cockpit cover (good condition). CHART PLOTTER: Lowrance HDS5 (with AIS vessel plots)
Volvo EVC LCD digital Engine display
CRISTEC Battery Charger
NAVICOM RT-650 VHF with WIFI remote, DSC, AIS vessel location.
Shore-power connectors
3 x Batteries
Night Navigation lighting Emergency lift raft