Marianas Yacht Club, Guam | Drone Video

  Marianas Yacht Club, Guam | Drone Video
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Founded in 1969, the Marianas Yacht Club provides a safe well-regulated locale for pleasure sailing yachts, sailing dinghies, catamarans, paddleboards, kayaks, and more.

For learn more about MYC please check out their website:

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"Wansui" by Oliver Michael

#Marianasyachtclub #MYC #guamdrone
#グアム #괌 #关岛 #關島 #Guama #Гуам #गुआम #กวม
#グアムハイキング #괌하이킹 #关岛远足 #關島遠足 #PaglalakadngGuam #Guamđibộđườngdài #MendakiGuam #Гуамғажорық #ກຶມມຸ #ПоходнаГуам #SopoiGuam #กวมธุดงค์ #RandonnéeàGuam #CaminataporGuam
#グアムドローン #괌드론 #关岛无人机 #關島無人機 #MáybaykhôngngườiláiGuam #Гуамдроны #गुआमड्रोन #Гуамскийдрон #กวมโดรน