Have You Seen This Boat In South Chicago? I Got Drone Footage of an Old Docked Grain Boat

  Have You Seen This Boat In South Chicago? I Got Drone Footage of an Old Docked Grain Boat
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Going back through the catalog of places I'd seen that I thought would look cool through the eyes of the drone, I remembered seeing a giant boat docked at an ancient-looking grain elevator on the shores of Lake Michigan about 20 minutes due south of downtown Chicago. So, I took the Mavic Pro and I went out and shot it. The water always looks cool, and I thought the boat did not disappoint.

If you have ideas of the types of things you'd like to see on the channel, please leave a comment. I really view my early subscribers as pioneers of what this channel will be, so if you have feedback for me, know that I'm able to read everything at this point, so I love hearing from you! I've had some good comments about video pacing that I'm trying to integrate, so keep it coming.

One thing on my short list of next drone visits is Lincoln's Tomb. It's a day trip, and he's my favorite president. To get an exclusive look at the first cut of the best shot of the Lincoln mission, comment below that you dig emancipation. I'll get in touch with you so you can see the footage before the video is even edited!