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'Frostbite' sailboat racing in dinghies. 12/20/15 on Wilson Cove, off Norwalk Yacht Club.
00:38 1 minute to start
01:08 30 secs. to start
1:38 Start Then, part of upwind leg
2:10 downwind leg
2:40 leeward mark roundings begin
3:49 tacking upwind
6:00 new start sequence begins
7:55 1 minute to start (note effect of ebb tide current to right)
8:35 30 secs. to start
8:55 Start. (note the dip start used by some); tacking upwind
9:55 downwind leg flyovers
11:30 roundings at leeward mark begin. huge wind shifts.
12:30 roundings from low altitude
13:16 roundings at very low alt.