Flying from a rocking sailboat an FPV DJI Avata drone is no easy task. Requiring extreme precision we captured stunning aerial footage of Bay Taormina located just below world-famous Sicilian town Taormina. Watch stunning boats, sailboats, yachts and incredible amount of vessels on the crystal clear Ionian Sea (Mediterranean) in Sicily, Italy.
Credits go to @Faraon_krystian for his track Seasons:
In Sicily, as well as in the rest of Italy, there is an unmissable holiday that has always united everyone and is the symbol of summer and summer vacations. It is the Ferragosto!
In the hottest week of summer, Ferragosto arrives as a breath of fresh air for those who finally have the chance to enjoy the vacations and a well-deserved break from work. Punctually, at the beginning of the hot season, someone asks the classic question: what shall we do on Ferragosto? Groups of friends organize for a dip in the sea, a party on the most beautiful beaches of Sicily or in villas, to spend a day of relaxation and fun.
Ferragosto night, is celebrated on August 14 mainly on the beach, with music, dancing, bonfires (often, unauthorized) and midnight bathing. Then, on August 15, people devote a lunch or an entire day to the classic Ferragosto “arrustuta” (grilled meat) or a delicious fish lunch at the homes of friends and relatives.
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