Drone Footage of the Exumas & Sailing to Cambridge Cay Ep. 42

  Drone Footage of the Exumas & Sailing to Cambridge Cay Ep. 42
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Today we just want to play! We are anchored at Little Cistren Cay in The Bahamas and wanted to take the dinghy a mile away to a large sand spit that is only visible during low tide, to fly our DJI Phantom 3 Advanced Drone. The sand spit is located on the south end of Little Hawksbill Cay in the Exumas and is incredibly HUGE!! We couldn't even get it all in one shot.

Later that night we were surprised by loud booms and bright flashing lights. Once on deck we found that the large yacht that anchored on the other side of the island from us earlier in the day was setting of impressive fireworks! It was a perfect ending to our fun adventurous day!

The next morning we pulled up anchor and set sail heading further south in the Exumas. Our plan was to get a mooring ball at Warderick Wells where we were hoping to use the internet. The ocean swells coming into the anchorage were unbearable! It was hard to even stand up in the boat, let alone try to mount the outboard onto the dinghy. At this point during the day, we were both tired and hungry (never a good combination) and the swells certainly weren't helping! We decided to move to the south end of the Island and try to anchor at Hog Cay, but found that the entrance to the channel only had 4' of water with a marked sand bank on the charts. We didn't want to chance it with our 5' keel, so we continued on further south till we got to Cambridge Cay. Unfortunately we did not film anything after leaving Warderick Wells, due to our moods not being in the brightest of spirits, but tomorrow is a new day and we can't wait to show you what fun adventures we have next while at Cambridge Cay!

THANK YOU for watching our videos and for SUBSCRIBING to our YouTube channel! We are so happy to share our Epic Sailing Adventure with everyone and can't wait to show you what's next! We have LOVED reading your comments and being able to connect with people!

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"Sunrise" &
"Spreading Positivity by: Nicolai Heidlas

~ https://www.hooksounds.com/royalty-free-music/sunrise-acoustic/166697/
~ https://www.hooksounds.com/royalty-free-music/spreading-positivity/296010/
