Drone Footage of Fin Whale Feeding next to Whale Watching Boat in Newport Beach, California
Fin whales gracefully feeding on krill in Southern California. As the whales lunge toward the surface, they open their mouths extremely wide while taking in hundreds of gallons of water and food at a time. The whale's throat pleats can be seen fully expanded. As the whales close their mouths, the water is filtered through the baleen plates which hang from the whale's upper jaw. Toward the end of the video, a Newport Coastal Adventures boat can be seen next to the feeding whale. For scale, the boat is 25 feet long.
Our whale watching tours depart in Southern California all year long. Our tours are 2-2.5hrs in length with multiple departure times each day.
Our whale watching boats have larger passenger vessels, as well as smaller 6-15 passenger fast raft tours.
We see whales all year long, with different whale species in our Southern California area year round. To learn more, and get access to more exciting, educational, and fun content check out our social media pages below!
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newportwhales/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewportLandingWhaleWatching/
Website for scheduling: http://www.newportwhales.com/whalewatchingprices.html