Draken Harald Hårfagre departs Plymouth! – Drone Footage!

  Draken Harald Hårfagre departs Plymouth! - Drone Footage!
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The worlds largest Viking Ship Replica is headed out of Plymouth Harbor to Maine...this is the start of her journey! Copies of Viking ships are usually based on interpretations of archaeological material. But in the construction of Draken Harald Hårfagre an alternative method has been used. It was decided to begin with the living tradition of Norwegian boatbuilding, with roots that can be traced directly to the Viking Age.[4][5] The foremost Norwegian traditional boat builders are involved in the project.[6] Their knowledge of traditional boatbuilding is supplemented with the results of investigations carried out on archaeological material, source material in Norse literature, literature from the same period from foreign sources, iconographic material, etc. The goal of the project is to recreate in this manner an oceangoing warship of 50 oars taken right out of the Norse Sagas