Dragon Boat Racing in Docklands by Drone – Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

  Dragon Boat Racing in Docklands by Drone - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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I have just discovered that Dragon Boat Racing in Melbourne is big. I've done my best to capture the fun, excitement and energy on this Saturday morning in Docklands as they prepare for the Negambie Regatta on Sunday. I really enjoyed watching them and I hope you enjoy it too.

Before flying I received permission to film them. There are several clubs and you can join up or watch them 6:15pm Wednesday evenings and 8:30am Saturday mornings at 912 Collins Street in Docklands, Melbourne http://www.yarrariverdragons.com/

Please feel free to comment or suggest other locations you feel would be good for a drone video.
Credits Music:
Bittersweet by SYBS ♫ [Google Copyright Free Music]
Eyes of Glory by Aakash Gandhi ♫ [Google Copyright Free Music]

Drone: DJI Mavic Air drone and controller "fly more" combo, approx AU$1500 or US$1,100

Video Editing Software: VSDC Pro on Windows 10

Safety: Please note that I flew safely and within the drone flight rules.