DELTAGRACHT heavy load carrier, delivery of VRIPACK luxury yacht ROCK 特別貨船運戴豪華遊艇

  DELTAGRACHT heavy load carrier, delivery of VRIPACK luxury yacht ROCK 特別貨船運戴豪華遊艇
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highlight of the cargo on board
25 metres yacht ROCK from design house VRIPACK
top speed 16 knots, cruise 12 knots
range 3,000 nautical miles

there is a 33 metres ROCK XL version under development
and also 42 metres BIG ROCK

lots of other fantastic luxury yachts onboard from

Sunseeker Manhattan 52 (UNO),
Pershing 72 (STALLION)
Azimut 80 (MIRAGE)
Princess F45, V40
Aquila power catamaran (EASY RIDER)
Outremer 4X
Prestige 420
Meridian 391