Creole in Menorca / Gucci boat / 4K // VID N7 MENORCA / aerial drone footage

  Creole in Menorca / Gucci boat / 4K // VID N7 MENORCA / aerial drone footage
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Creole, Gucci's boat around the coast of Menorca in Spain.
El Creole, el barco Gucci navegando alrededor de las costas menorquinas.

Creole is a 65.3 m / 214′3″ luxury sailing yacht. She was built by Camper & Nicholsons in 1927. With a beam of 9.44 m and a draft of 5 m, she has a wood hull and GRP superstructure. This adds up to a gross tonnage of 381 tons. She is powered by engines of 450 hp each giving her a maximum speed of 15 knots and a cruising speed of 10 knots. The sailing yacht can accommodate 10 guests in 5 cabins with an interior design by Russo and an exterior design by Charles E. Nicholson.