Coastal Maine: Seals, Boats, and Beaches from Above – DRONE FOOTAGE

  Coastal Maine: Seals, Boats, and Beaches from Above - DRONE FOOTAGE
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Join us on our trip to Popham Beach in Coastal Maine, where we explore the breathtaking natural beauty of this rugged coastline. From the stunning aerial views of the beach to the picturesque house on its own island and seals lounging on the rocks, we captured the best of what this region has to offer on an overcast day. Don't miss out on this breathtaking view of Maine's coastline.

For more information on Fort Popham and the area, check out the Wikipedia page here:

#CoastalMaine #PophamBeach #AerialPhotography #DroneFootage #Seals #Boats #Beach #FortPopham #KennebecRiver #Ocean #MaineCoast #Nature #Scenery #Vacation #Travel #ExploreMaine #DiscoverNewEngland #FortPophamStateHistoricSite #HistoricalSite #BeachDay #OutdoorAdventure #SummerFun #FamilyVacation #RoadTrip #Wanderlust