Aerial drone footage of the Staten Island Boat Graveyard – New York City 4k

  Aerial drone footage of the Staten Island Boat Graveyard - New York City 4k
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Did you know that editing is mood based? Meaning if I were to edit a video or a photo let’s say today - odds are tomorrow it’d be something totally different. I have a feeling this is the case with this video...

I typically don’t add any filters when I edit videos as I like to keep things natural. But in this case with all of the rusty ships and brown colors I figured I’d add a desert glare filter and a vignette for more drama. Plus I think the music also influenced me to do something out of my norm.

🤔 I’d be interested to know if you thought I overdid it. Please let me know in the comment section below!

If you’d like to read about my experience and check out the photos click here:

With all that being said here’s my drone footage of the Staten Island boat graveyard located in New York City.